On Gear Live: Samsung S95C: The OLED TV You Can’t Afford (to Ignore!)


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Lensbaby Review

So obviously, we at Gear Live are fans of new camera technology and the selective focus Lensbabies SLR lenses certainly fit the bill. We were already familiar with their selective focus lenses for digital cameras in the form of their second generation (2G) Lensbaby, but they were kind enough to provide us with one of their brand new 3G Lenbabies for review.

The Lensbaby is a bellows style lens for modern SLR cameras. They feature low dispersion multi-coated optical glass lens mounted within a flexible rubber tube to allow the photographer to tilt the lens side to side as well as compress it closer to the camera. Much like cameras from 100 years ago or more focusing is accomplished by simply compressing the bellows to move the lens closer or further away from the camera. We have a full, in-depth review for you, after the break.


Click to continue reading Lensbaby 3G In-depth Review

Gallery: Lensbaby 3G In-depth Review

TellmeWe have been trying out Tellme for a few weeks now, and thought it would be appropriate at this point to let you guys know about the service and what we think of it. If you haven’t heard of Tellme, it’s an application that you install on your mobile phone that aims to allow natural voice-riven mobile search. How does it work? Hit the jump for our full review.


Click to continue reading Tellme Beta Review: Voice-Driven Local Search

Gallery: Tellme Beta Review: Voice-Driven Local Search

Samsung YP-K5

We recently got our hands on the Samsung YP-K5 digital audio player, one of the few MP3 players that has a built-in speaker. The K5 also has an FM tuner, a 1.7-inch color OLED screen, touch-sensitive controls, and 2GB or 4GB of embedded flash memory. Tack on the promise of fantastic battery life, and this one should be a keeper, right? We have provided you with a Samsung K5 unboxing gallery, and also give you our thoughts in our full review, after the break.

Click to continue reading Samsung YP-K5 Review

Gallery: Samsung YP-K5 Review

A few people have asked for it, so we figured we would deliver. We put out a lot of posts in 2006 here at Gear Live, and we want to shine a light on those that rose to the top of the pack. These are the most read stories on Gear Live in 2006, figuring in our entire back catalogue of posts:

Now don’t think we would stop there. We have also created another Top 10 list, this one consisting only of articles that we published within the 2006 calendar year. For the full list, hit the jump.

Click to continue reading A Look Back At 2006’s Most Popular Gear Live Stories

Gallery: A Look Back At 2006’s Most Popular Gear Live Stories

So, we introduced you to our new movie review site, FilmCrunch, earlier this morning. We figured we would give you a taste of the show here on Gear Live as well, just so you can see how they roll over there. In the latest episode, Neil Estep and Veronica Santiago review movies like The Departed, The Lake House, and the Platinum DVD release of The Little Mermaid. Check out the video, and let us know what you think.

Read More | FilmCrunch Episode 011

Gallery: The Latest From FilmCrunch: The Departed, The Lake House, and Little Mermaid Platinum Edition

Tom Bihn ID ReviewTom Bihn recently released an update to their mid-sized messenger bag, the ID. The updated ID has several notable improvements and makes for a great everyday bag for anyone with lots of stuff to cart around. Gear Live took it for a spin and compares it to the Imago which we recently reviewed. Click through for the full review.

Click to continue reading Tom Bihn ID Bag Review

Gallery: Tom Bihn ID Bag Review

Xbox Video Marketplace

This one is from our friends over at Krunker, who decided to go through the horrific pain and agony (in our opinion) of downloading the huge video files available on the Xbox 360 Video Marketplace onto the miniscule Xbox 360 hard drive. They report back with their full review of the service, which they see as one of the beginnings of an Xbox 360 - Zune relationship:

The new Xbox Video Marketplace is a small step in the right direction for the Xbox 360. The initial release is underwhelming and some of the restrictions annoying, but the service introduction clearly lays out the infrastructure and ground work for a bigger service down the road - one that will most likely bridge us to the Zune as well.

A small step in the right direction - we agree there - but come on Microsoft. You guys created Windows Media Video, and it streams incredibly well on PCs. Why can’t you use the same technology on the Xbox 360? Don’t you think users would much rather have instant-on access to these shows and movies rather than having to wait hours for a download to complete? Contemplate that, please, and get back to us. Thanks.

Read More | Krunker

Gallery: Xbox 360 Video Marketplace Reviewed

Verizon V640 ExpressCard

For anyone that has picked up a MacBook Pro, or any other laptop computer that has replaced the PCMCIA card with the newer ExpressCard format, you will be happy to hear that a couple of options have become available for getting on the Internet while on the go. New ExpressCards from both Dell and Verizon have surfaced, giving anyone with an ExpressCard slot the ability to resume their mobile tech lifestyle. We got one of the new Verizon V640 ExpressCards and have set it up and tested it, and we are here to report back with our results. Check out the full review of the WWAN V640 after the jump.

Click to continue reading Verizon V640 EVDO ExpressCard Review: MacBook Pro

Gallery: Verizon V640 EVDO ExpressCard Review: MacBook Pro
